Monday, January 18, 2010

Always a Vendor; never a Groom.

(AKA, the Duluth Bridal Show recap.)

I had been a vendor at the show for several years. First, as a wedding photographer myself, then working the booth of a former employer, Great Lakes Aquarium, selling the facility as a reception hall.

I ran my very small photography business from my parents' spare bedroom for several years while in college. Since I didn't need my own "studio," I naturally focused on wedding photography since all shooting is done on-location.

The business was moderately successful and it was certainly interesting work. Of course, this was just before everything went digital and at the time I still shot film. Professional portrait photography went digital practically overnight and those without the capital to invest in upgraded equipment went out of business.

So it was a very interesting Saturday for me, personally. I knew so many of the people working the show from various professional interactions over the years. The funny thing was that even I knew so many of the caterers, facility rental managers and especially photographers, I'd never actually paid attention to how much things cost and how varied all the services were. It was as though I was there for the first a groom.

Anyway, we Tweeted a lot ( and took a bunch of pictures - check them out at


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Live Blogging at The Duluth Bridal Show

Just about to walk in!

Follow us on Twiiter as we spend the day at the Duluth Bridal Show:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Proposal (part 2)

Before you read this entry, read "The Proposal, Part 1" here.

. . . (continued from "Part 1). . . After shaking off the nervousness from asking Laura's parents for her hand, I went back to work of setting up the party. Fortunately, I had another 24 hours to again build up courage, this time to ask Laura herself.

The next morning I picked up the pig roaster from London Road Rentals and set the pig to roast with the help of a great friend. (thanks Justin!) The day went flying by as more shopping had to be done, kegs picked up, final lighting installed, etc, etc...

I had invited a wide range of friends, those that I had grown up, gone to high school, college and even business "colleagues" that had grown into friendships. The party had two stages, an"open house" from 5 to 8pm for the more sedate crowd, and the 8pm "drunken revelry" for the rest. I planned to make my move right around 8, so that we'd have the largest crowd.

Naturally, 8 o'clock approached much, much faster than I could have ever anticipated. More and more people started to arrive - some that I had never actually expected would show. With every passing minute and every additional set of eyes, my stomach spawned another butterfly.

When I could no longer stand it, I borrowed a mic from the DJ and asked for everyone's attention. I started by thanking everyone for coming, all those that helped, etc, etc. Then I called Laura out of the crowd to thank her especially for all her help and dedication to planning the party over the last several months. Of course, I quickly started to repeat myself as my nervousness started to show. I wanted to surprise her with the ring, but did not really plan that far ahead.

"If she's going to be surprised, she's can't see it coming," I thought.

So, I asked her to take a bow for all her hard work. This took a bit of doing as she thought I was merely being drunk and stupid. But a bit of coaxing and a hard shove into the middle of the crowd got her to do it. As soon as her back was turned, I dove into my back pocked for the ring box and dropped to one knee.

By the time Laura turned around, I didn't need to use too many words, which was just as well, since I didn't have many left. I'm fairly certain I actually managed to formally ask her to marry me, but I know for a fact that all she managed in response was a squeak. (not unlike her mom...huh)

Kissing and hugging ensued. Congratulations and well wishes were given. Alcohol was consumed.

We're engaged. HOLY SH*T!!

A bouquet showing our colors

Flower types may be different, colors not dead-on, but pretty close... [T]

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Proposal (part 1)

Proposing to Laura was many years in the making. I had wanted to ask her to marry me for many years leading up to the actual event, but the money was simply not there. Fortunately, I had recently landed a new job and my 30th birthday was fast approaching, so it seemed like it was time to "man-up."

The birthday party was being held at her parents' hobby-farm just north of Duluth. The set up was similar to my 25th birthday five years earlier - we spend a few weekends cleaning up their small barn and lining up all the necessary items - a pig to roast, side dishes, a DJ (thanks Sean!), lighting, extra electrical power, etc, etc.

The weekend of the event came soon enough though, and I had to face the most terrifyingly scary and intimidating aspect of the whole endeavor - asking her parents.

We had asked her folks to vacate the premises for several reasons, not simply to avoid seeing the kind of drunken revelry in which their children would be partaking. But mainly, so that there would be extra room in the house for people to sleep off the evening's activities.

Laura's parents had spent Friday morning getting ready for their trip, making sure their "coach" (RV to the rest of the world) was stocked with everything they needed for their weekend excursion. Last, but not least, they had to hitch up their car to the back of the coach before hitting the road. I was informed shortly before departure that this would happen "at the end of the driveway."

Living in the country, Laura's parents' home is quite a way in from the main road, and is connected by several hundred feet of paved and gravel of what I call "road." However, I soon found out that one man's "road" is another man's "driveway." Naturally, this resulted in me waving good-bye to her parents, realizing the discrepancy in driveway length acknowledgment, and quickly running to find a motor vehicle in which to catch them at the "end" of the "driveway."

Once the "end of the driveway" had been reached, I attempted to assist in hitching up the car while asking insightful questions about the towing rig. ...All the while trying to control my nerves...

When they were ready to set off, I helped Laura's mom into the coach, thanked them both once again for letting us have the party there and tried to think of what to say next. I realized that the easiest way was not to say anything, but let the rock do the talking.

At this point my voice was beginning to crack and my hands were shaking. As I took the ring box out of my back pocket, I think I said something like, "Well, as you know, I love Laura very much..." To the best of my recollection, the next things that happened were:

1) Laura's mom teared up
2) Laura's dad got a big ol' grin on his face
3) Laura's mom ran and gave me a hug while producing a noise best described as "squeaking"
4) Laura's dad said, "I think that means a 'yes.'"

...and then I got called "son."

At this point I was so nervous that I honestly don't remember what happened next. I know a few other happy/teary things were said but there is just no way that I can tell you exactly what happened, except that I went back to the house and slammed a beer.

After I sent her folks on their way, I went back to setting up the party, which was to start in a little over 24 hours.....meaning I had to propose in 24 hours...

(to be continued...)

Read "The Proposal, Part 2" here.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Introducing Tom and Laura


Today is January 1st, 2010 and it is 281 days until our wedding.

We are getting married on October 9th, 2010 and thought it would be interesting to blog about the process. We've already done some planning, so we may have to "back-blog," still, as many of our friends have proven, wedding planning is an adventure and we wanted to share ours with the world.

We look forward to meeting our readers and will post more about us and our wedding in the coming months.

More to come soon!
